In Development: - Super Sonik 2 Clicker (Wick Editor Game) - Tile War (Wick Editor Game) - Znoc (Mod) - Super Ario (Hack) - The Death of Jupiterman (Wick Editor Video) - Sonic Adventure Text-Based (DOS Game) - wkShell (Program) - InfiStory (Game) - The Sphere Boiz (Wick Editor Game) - How to Bomb a Place (Wick Editor Video) - K.A. Script (Text) - Rock-et (Wick Editor Video) - Shadoise the hEdgehog ("Movie") - Nights with Bob (Flash Game) - HiyaaXP Portal 2002 (Sub-site) - Hazard Zero (Text-based DOS game) - wickspace (Website) - VidM (Website) - F X F (Text-Based DOS Game) - Sonic Bros. (TGF2 Game) - WebGame2k's DOOM Mod - manface (Wick Editor Game) Ready: - Toom (Game) - Crappy Trash Thing Clicker (Game) - Blueshoes (Hack) Running: - XM Terminal (Sub-site) - Sonic Trio (Sprtie comic) - WebGame2k's Scene Creator (Flash "Game") ?: - HiyaaHX (Website) - PoK (Game) - Yellowshoes Robo Blast (Game) - How to add pixel perfect sprites in Flash versions below 8 (Flash Movie) - The Adventures of Sonic & Red Sonic (Sprite Comic) - jloopr (Website) - jServer (Website)