Page where I dump random files I have.
Sorted by oldest added to recently added.
Filename: | Description/Title: | Size: |
hello2.asm | 859 bytes | |
a.avi | Windows 98 Screen Recording Test | ??? |
death_egg-midi.mp3 | Death Egg MIDI (MP3) | ??? |
SONIC MOVIE 2 ENDING CREDITS HD.mp4 | Sonic Movie 2 End Credits (720p-HD MP4) | about 20MB |
RGB_9bits_palette_color_test_chart.png | RGB 9-Bits Palette Color Chart | idk |
SSF1_Luigi.wad | WAD I made on my Android Phone. | idk |
Oh_My_God_Its_Albert_Einstein.mp4 | They found Albert Einstein | idk |
sadx_plot_irl.mp4 | Old meme i found in Spectrum's deleted discord | idk |
f.swf | animation i made it show Icy's deleted discord server I can make a animation (requires flash player 8+) |
idk |
thebee.swf | an animation i made that is based off a animaton my father made with different software a long time ago (requires flash player 8+) | idk | | idk | |
m2combo.exe | MyIE2 Installer | idk |
blank.swf | its literally a blank flash movie (requires flash player 4+) |
under 1KB |
flash-32-win.exe | Adobe Flash Player 32 executable | about 15MB |
no.wav | Microsoft Sam says No. | idk |
gman.BMP | Gman's picture in the Half-Life multiplayer tab | idk |
SONIC2.BMP | I think this image came from SSNTails | idk |
bee.cfg | bee.cfg from | idk | | HECU Grunt Wav files from Half-Life compressed into a zip (dont download if you have Half-Life) | idk |
HC2Setup.exe | Unregistered HyperCam 2 Setup executable | idk |
HC1Setup.exe | HyperCam 1 Setup executable (i havent test this yet :/) |
idk |
youspinme.wav | idk | |
DAMN-DANIEL.wmv | dead meme. i had this saved on my dads laptop when it was relevant | 5MB |
GoldSrc_is_Outta_this_time-360p.flv | cool video i found on yt | 12MB |